Hi! My friend returns from paradise! We meet again in Suva for another Fiji bitters on the tap - by the harbour.
My friend has just spent 4-days boat hopping around some of Fiji's islands - off the west coast of Fiji. She showed me her photos & I can honestly say the blue sea, white sand, blue sky Fiji brochures we see in our countries - are in fact true!! Whoah!
When I arrived in Suva - I wasnt sure if the Fiji Paradise travel brochures I saw in Australia were true. But my friend's photos has proved it is indeed true! Paradise does exist here in abundance - on the small islands around Fiji! The islands look so gorgeous! Oh I am jealous because I have no time to travel around the islands as I must stay in school for 6-weeks here in Suva - to qualify as a school teacher.
Meanwhile, the weather here in Suva - is like London! It changes many times throughout the days & attracts the clouds & rain! All other parts of Fiji get the sun so my friend came back looking very tanned & was most surprised to hear it had rained during the week here in Suva. All she saw during the week was SUN, white sand & blue seas! Grrrr!
Oh well, nevermind - at least I do come from paradise in Australia - the sunny Sunshine Coast! Though it would be nice to experience a bit of Fijii paradise. If I am lucky, I might be able to find time to visit one small island for a day & night trip at the end of my 6-weeks here - just before I fly out of Fiji. Wish me luck! I don't think I'll be able to stage a sicky day at school either because the little islands on the west coast are not conveniently near to me ... oh!