Bula! I finally I had a chance to visit Gospel Primary School for the Deaf which is next door to Gospel High. With my Aussie interpreter we took a few photos with the deaf students to share with you all. I have also included a photo of a group of deaf students at the Highschool - the last photo at the bottom.
Altogether in the primary school there are about 52 deaf students & in the highschool about 15x or so deaf students.
I will be starting some drama classes for the deaf primary school students as of next week. We all look forward to it!
Enjoy the photos - you will notice they are quite tall & much older than your average primary school students. This is because many deaf students started school late. This also means some of my deaf highschool students are in their late teens & early 20's!! But it is better to learn late - than never at all!
Oh yes - there is also a blue-eyed deaf boy in the primary school! Georgeous blue eyes! Have a look - he is the tall boy standing next to me in the top photo.
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