A few things you might be interested to know here - Fijians almost never nod their heads to say 'yes' & almost never 'point' to give directions. They just use their eyes & eyebrows e.g., they raise their eyebrows to say 'yes' or look with their eyes with slight head movement to 'point' out something. I sometimes repeat my questions but will quickly realise they have already given me an answer with their eyes!
Lots of nonverbal communication here & its quite different to deaf nonverbal communication - but sometimes similar. Very interesting! Even on the buses here there is lots of nonverbal communication e.g., bus driver will tilt his head to side & look at door to say 'this is your stop' - he wont point or talk! If I miss see the bus driver tilt his head or look at the bus door - I will miss my opportunity to pull the rope for the bus to stop - or else bus driver will carry on driving! So I have to watch the bus driver's head & eyes very carefully whenever I go to a new location via bus. Interesting hey!
Here are a few photos of me teaching drama to form 6 (grade 11) english students, a photo of the view outside classroom window, students relaxing during lunch break etc ...

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